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I'm leaving AEON and Tottori soon, and some things I will miss while others I won't.  This should make for a good summary of the countryside Japan English conversation teacher lifestyle.

Things I will miss:
* Going to the most popular restaurant in Tottori on a Saturday night without a reservation and having no problem getting a table.
* My tap water tastes like Zeus's water on Mount Olympus.
* The air doesn't make me gag and cough.
* Allergies?  What allergies?  I think I remember having those.
* Living 3 minutes from Jusco.
* Waking up at 10am and not having to start work for 3 hours.
* 3-hour lunch breaks (maybe I'll watch a movie).
* Playing at Afterhours.
* Having Mondays off because everywhere and everything is empty.  For example, I have the entire Hyou-No-Sen ski resort to myself when I can get outta bed and head over there.

Things I won't miss:
* That damn temple drummer.
* Oh, it's raining again.  Oh, now it's snowing. Damn...
* Where's the sun? I haven't seen it in 2 weeks.  I hope everything's okay.
* Did I mention the frozen Siberian wasteland?
* Those sometimes-creepy students that drive me batty.
* Next train in 55 minutes!
* Having to work Saturdays.
* You have a sudden craving for Mexican food?  Good luck, dude!  I hope you brought your credit card.

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