I found this awesome Windows powershell script that allows you to install fonts via the command line. This is very convenient for mass deployment.$ssfFonts = 0x14
$fontSourceFolder = "\\PATH\TO\FONTS"
$Shell = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
$SystemFontsFolder = $Shell.Namespace($ssfFonts)
$FontFiles = Get-ChildItem $fontSourceFolder
$SystemFontsPath = $SystemFontsFolder.Self.Path
$rebootFlag = $false
foreach($FontFile in $FontFiles) {
# $FontFile will be copied to this path:
$targetPath = Join-Path $SystemFontsPath $FontFile.Name
# So, see if target exists...
if(Test-Path $targetPath){
# font file with the same name already there.
# delete and replace.
$rebootFlag = $true
Remove-Item $targetPath -Force
Copy-Item $FontFile.FullName $targetPath -Force
#install the font.
#Follow-up message
Write-Host "At least one existing font overwritten. A reboot may be necessary."
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