Assuming nginx is required, the following 8 results were found.
What follows is an outline I compiled while researching how to tighten security on a Nginx web server. NOTE 1: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS was used for this. NOTE 2: This is a continuation of this article: Joomla Running on Nginx and Ubuntu Server - Setting Up...
- Type: Article
- Author: Mondaiji
- Category: IT
What follows is an outline I compiled while building an Ubuntu server for running the Joomla CMS on the Nginx web server. NOTE: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS was used for this. Ubuntu Server * choose SSH server during the install * setup static IP address Install...
- Type: Article
- Author: Mondaiji
- Category: IT
22.04 and learned some things along the way. This is my base build outline mostly created for my own notes. INSTALL PACKAGES nginx nginx-extras mysql-server php php-curl php-fpm php-gd php-mysql php-xmlrpc php-memcache php-uploadprogress php-cli...
- Type: Article
- Author: Japanatron
- Category: IT
24.04 and learned some things along the way. This is my base build outline mostly created for my own notes. INSTALL PACKAGES nginx nginx-extras mysql-server php php-curl php-fpm php-gd php-mysql php-xmlrpc php-memcache php-uploadprogress php-cli...
- Type: Article
- Author: Japanatron
- Category: IT
I've been figuring out how to block or redirect web traffic in Nginx based on the country geoIP. NOTES * You need the package nginx-extras for this because this package has the geoIP Nginx plugin. * I used Japan (JP) in these examples, so change the...
- Type: Article
- Author: Japanatron
- Category: IT
login (if you don't use it) because I constantly see a-hole bots in my logs trying to hack my site. Add these lines to the Nginx site configuration. # DENY ACCESS TO JOOMLA ADMIN location ~* /administrator.* { deny all; } # DENY ACCESS TO JOOMLA USER...
- Type: Article
- Author: Japanatron
- Category: IT
web-server fresh on Ubuntu 20.04, and learned some things along the way. This is my base build outline. INSTALL PACKAGES nginx-extras mysql-server php php-curl php-fpm php-gd php-mysql php-xmlrpc php-memcache php-uploadprogress php-cli unzip zip ffmpeg...
- Type: Article
- Author: Japanatron
- Category: IT
- Type: Tag
- Author: Japanatron