As I do more and more Japan TV jobs, I've been compiling a list of things to bring to survive sometimes long shooting schedules. I call this my "Location Shoot Survival Kit."
Toothbrush / Toothpaste
It's nice to polish the pearly whites after wolfing down that bento.
My pale vampire-like skin needs ample amounts of this for outdoor shoots.
Insect Repellent
Japanese bugs are brutal!
Snacks / Munchies
It really sucks to act with a growling stomach. I'm a fan of "Calorie Mate," a dense, high-calorie cookie-like snack that is surprisingly filling.
Bottled Water
I find that all Japan producers are pretty good about keeping the staff hydrated, but just in case...
Body Spray / Deodorant
You may not smell so shower-fresh near the end of a 12-hour location shoot.
Handkerchief / Hand Towel
Life in Japan has taught me to always have one of these on "hand!"
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