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Kayo and I had a very rude awakening this morning.  A loud alarm went off around 6:30am.  It was immediately followed by a recorded voice saying, "An earthquake is coming!  An earthquake is coming!"  It was the nationwide early warning system, and our building's alarm system is tied directly into it.  Our hearts beating in our chests, we dashed from our beds, put on clothes, and braced for the coming tremor.

But it never came.

Apparently, it was a false alarm caused by a software bug in a geological monitor.  This evening's top news story showed 2 officials from Japan's Geological Ministry apologizing profusely for the mishap.  "The bug has been patched," they reported.

I certainly hope so.  I plan on filing a claim to pay for new underwear since I crapped mine this morning.  Japan at least owes me that much.

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