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They were looking for healthy, Caucasian men within a certain age and weight range. Chosen participants would have to stay in the research hospital for 3 nights; however, they would also be well-compensated. I fit what they were looking for, so I signed up. A part of me fantasized that the Japanese scientists were planning to
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Growing up I never considered my home country to have much of a culture of its own. Elementary school textbooks described it as a "melting pot" of other cultures, or more accurately, a "salad." However, much to my chagrin, America does indeed have a distinct culture of its own; and it's one of those things I never realized until living abroad. I have collected several points to ponder regarding American's unmistakable culture.
A Puritan Culture
America was founded on Puritanism--a conservative Christian doctrine expounding the depravity of mankind and infinite sinfulness inherent in all things sexual. In other words, all souls are forever dangling over the fiery pits of hell because of inbuilt moral corruption. Thanks a lot, Adam and Eve! Like it or not Puritanism flows
Read more: What Japan Taught Me About America
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Unfortunately, I was forced to throw out my plastic pitcher this morning. It was purchased over 3 years ago at the 100-yen shop in Nakano-ku. I used it exclusively for tea, so tea was so beyond crusted on the inside that the clear plastic turned dark brown (a common theme in my life). Washing and scrubbing had little effect on dissolving the tea crust. It got to the point where the fresh tea stored in the pitcher was getting polluted by historic tea crust. A glass of tea from the pitcher tasted like fossilized teas from years past. At first it was a welcome walk down tea memory lane; however after further contemplation, it tasted like poo. The pitcher now sits in the plastic recycle bin. I will miss you, dear tea pitcher. You were the best 100-yen I ever spent.
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But it never came.
Apparently, it was a false alarm caused by a software bug in a geological monitor. This evening's top news story showed 2 officials from Japan's Geological Ministry apologizing profusely for the mishap. "The bug has been patched," they reported.
I certainly hope so. I plan on filing a claim to pay for new underwear since I crapped mine this morning. Japan at least owes me that much.
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Many people ask me what makes Japanese girls so damn hot--a common topic among male expats and foreign tourists. Here is my attempt at a scientific explanation of an otherwise perverted topic.
Read more: Why Japanese Girls Are Hot